How to Make Your Mobile Battery Last Long

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Back when phones were just becoming a great device to use, the equivocal voice of the customer was:

“A mobile phone is only as good as the battery”.

And it was true.  Countless mobile phones became unsuccessful at time, because even though they had ground breaking features, they did not take the battery usage aspect of it into consideration.  Though the cell phones available today have a better battery life, it never hurts to save batteries when we can. By reducing the amount of battery life that a mobile uses, one not only ensures a better quality mobile experience, but also conserves energy. Here are three simple tips which you would need to keep in mind to conserve your batter life:

Shut down Bluetooth:

While Bluetooth is a very useful service, one cannot deny that it eats up the battey faster than any other service that is available in a mobile phone. Use the Bluetooth service only when you need a file to be transferred, or if you wish to find a specific Bluetooth device among a crowd.

Do Not Browse the Internet:

Remember that checking emails and browsing the internet are two different things when it comes to the mobile phone. The more data is transferred, the more battery life is consumed – that is a fact of the world of mobiles. Most mobile email programs download only the headers of the email, and if the user decides that they need to read it, they need to click on the header and then the message is downloaded. So, to save conserve your battery life, you need to stay away from the online videos and streaming radio, etc.

Do not Multitask:

Mobile phones offer multitasking, but running dual processes eat up the battery life like anything. So, try to use only one program on your mobile phone at a time.  For example, if you are browsing the net, make sure that you are not listening to music at the same time, or if you are playing a game, make sure that the Internet window is not open.

These are the three major tips that you should keep in mind to increase your battery life.

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